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how to paste page in goodnotes

GoodNotes is a popular note-taking app for iOS and macOS that allows you to create and manage digital notebooks. If you want to paste a page within GoodNotes, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Your Notebook: Launch the GoodNotes app on your device, and open the notebook where you want to paste a page.
  2. Create a New Page: To paste a page, you’ll first need to create a new blank page where you want to paste the content. You can do this by tapping the “+ New Page” button. This button is usually located at the top or bottom of the screen, depending on your device’s orientation.
  3. Copy the Content: Go to the page or content that you want to copy within your notebook. Tap and hold on the content until you see the copy menu appear. Select “Copy.”
  4. Return to the New Page: Navigate back to the new blank page that you created in step 2. You can use the page navigation or thumbnails view to do this.
  5. Paste the Content: Tap and hold on the blank page where you want to paste the content. A menu will appear, and you should see the “Paste” option. Tap “Paste” to insert the copied content onto the new page.
  6. Adjust and Organize: Once you’ve pasted the content, you can resize, move, or edit it as needed. GoodNotes allows you to use various tools for annotation, drawing, and highlighting, so you can make adjustments to fit your needs.
  7. Save Your Changes: Be sure to save your changes to the notebook by using the save or sync features within GoodNotes, depending on your settings and whether you’re using the app on multiple devices.

That’s it! You’ve successfully pasted a page in GoodNotes. This feature can be handy for rearranging and organizing your digital notes and content within your notebooks

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